泰國蝦產業自清無剝削童工泰國外交部與商務部要求製糖、成衣與蝦產業業者在美國勞工部公開聽取意見期間(至12月10日止),盡速提出有關雇用泰國人與移民工作者工作情況的詳細報告,以釐清其被指控有強迫童工勞動疑慮。最新報導指出上述三大重要出口產業已與性產業同列剝削童工與強迫勞動的黑名單;美國也已通令州票貼政府禁止向141個利用兒童與強迫勞動的國家購買相關產品。 泰國冷凍食品聯盟(TFFA)主席代表泰國蝦與水產業表示,儘管上述指控尚未對泰國蝦出口美國市場造成影響,唯恐其後續效應會嚴重衝擊整個產業。漁業依據泰國勞工法雇用滿18歲的外勞70,000名與超過200,000的泰國人;包括剝殼等生產工作亦需配合美國駐曼谷移民土地買賣與海關執法局(ICE)官員定期的檢查。由美國零售商與買主親自進行確認商品無剝削童工之虞的審查,有利於洗清近幾年泰國蝦遭受的不實指控,並確保美國市場銷路持續長紅。主席質疑此份有可能遭美國蝦生產者(尤指路易斯安那州)向勞工局施壓的報告,形同對佔美國25-30%的進口泰國蝦實施貿易障礙。 (摘譯自INFOFISH 房屋貸款Trade News, NO. 19/2009)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SHRIMP INDUSTRY TO DEFEND AGAINST ALLEGATIONS OF CHILD LABOURThailand has 10 more weeks to defend itself against US allegations of child and forced labour in the shrimp, sugarcaneand garment industries. The Thai Foreign Affairs Ministry and Commerce 房屋貸款Ministry have urged these industries toprovide information on employment and working condition for Thai and immigrant workers to the US Department ofLabour during its public hearing period, which ends on 10 December. The three industries are key exports sectors, butthey have been listed 襯衫together with the sex industry in the department’s latest report this month as using child labour orforced labour. The US has prohibited state organisations from purchasing products that are made with the use of childand forced labour in 141 countries.Dr. Panisuan Jamnarnvej, the 裝潢President of the Thai Frozen Foods Association (TFFA) which represents Thai shrimp andseafood industries, said that the allegation is yet to have an impact on Thailand’s shrimp exports to the US market, butthe incident inevitably will damage the industry. The fisheries industry employs 70 永慶房屋000 foreign workers and over200 000 Thais under conditions governed by the Thai labour law, which sets 18 as the minimum age for employment.Production facilities, including peeling sheds are also inspected regularly by officials of the US Immigration andCustoms Enforcement Agency (ICE) 結婚西裝which has an office in Bangkok.Retailers and buyers in the US launched their own inspections to ensure products are free from abuse, which enabledThai shrimp sales to remain robust in the US market despite such allegations in recent years. Dr. Panisuan believes USshrimp producers, 烤肉食材especially from Louisiana, have influenced the Department of Labour’s report. In his view, theallegations resemble the trade barriers against Thai shrimp, which represents about 25-30% of US imports.

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